The Vidya Jyothi Central School is managed by Sree Narayana National Education Mission, which is a charitable organization registered under charitable socities registration Act with Reg No. A 161/2003. Its aim is to mould an ideal society based on Indian culture and philosophy. Its main policy is to chalk out a plan for the implementation of the great ideals of Sree Narayana Guru, the prophet of social and cultural renaissance in Kerala.
The School aims at the all round development of the individual. The aim of Sree Narayana National Education Mission is not only to help pupils to achieve academic excellence but also to make them good individuals and good citizens. A group of well qualified persons with rich teaching and administrative experience have got together to provide conditions to create a congenical atmosphere for a happy and cheerful child-hood for your children while building up a physically and mentally strong personality to boldly face the future challenges. We at Vidya Jyothi Central School seek your co-operation to achieve this aim.